If you have a large sheet of plywood or paneling to move by yourself, this tool helps. My problem with carrying a large sheet is gripping it. I either squeeze it under my elbow or try to grab it and tote it above my head. When I was younger, both of these methods worked pretty good. Now, I need some help.
I own three different types of panel lifters. My favorite is the Big Horn Panel Toter. To slide it under the panel, you don’t have to lift the panel as high as you do with the others and it is very sturdy.
Just lift the sheet up far enough to get this tool under the middle of it… and lift. The handle sticks out just enough for you to grip it. It doesn’t make the sheet any lighter… but it sure makes it easy to carry.
I have two of the plastic Drywall lifters and I don’t see any difference in them except they are by different companies. You might ask, “Why three?” I’m usually lucky if I can find ONE when I need it. I usually leave them draped over the sheets I’m using… but when I get in a hurry, I just drop them where I’m working and the disappear into the other stuff on the floor.

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