I wished I knew about this tool YEARS ago. I break a few sprinkler heads off each year. Many of the times, the pvc is broken off right at a tee. So, you have to dig up a few feet each direction to replace the tee. In my rocky ground this is awful.
If I had known about this device, all I would have had to do is put the socket saver in my drill and drill out the broken fitting. It doesn’t look like it shouldn’t work, but it works like a charm.
The middle piece on the socket save keeps the unit lined up so it doesn’t wobble around much. I have drilled a few out too big, but with an extra dose of pipe cement, I haven’t had any that have leaked.
So far, I’ve only used the ½ inch and ¾ inch socket savers. The real test is when I use the 3 inch socket saver to drill out an ABS fitting that plumbers put in between the ceiling. If it doesn’t work, I’m in big trouble. (I’ll keep you posted on how it goes.)
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