If I could only have one tool when working with wiring, this would be the tool. I love it. I bought it to strip romex cable. (They call it a Romex stripper.) But to my surprise it does just about everything an basic electrician would do. First and foremost, it strips Romex cable. It has cutting teeth that cut the covering on the Romex but...
Rotary Hammer Drill
This heavy duty hammer drill is awesome! I bought it to drill ONE HOLE in the wall of my pump house, but have used it oodles of times since. It is a HEAVY DUTY hammer drill that drills a hole in concrete like it was drilling through butter. I needed to drill a 1 1/4 inch hole in the concrete wall of my pump house....
Laser Levels
I LOVE these things. I have three inexpensive laser levers and use them all the time. These devices project a horizontal level laser line around the room. Each also projects a vertical level line. They are self leveling, so you just put them at the height you want the line and they project a level line. FLOOR LASER LEVEL – This device has been a...
Zip Tie Tightener and Cutter
Here is another tool I never knew existed but now that I have one I love it. This tool grabs ahold of the zip tie you are installing, tightens it, then cuts it off. You can adjust the tension on the cables. It is simple and effective. Every person who uses zip ties (which is just about everyone), should have one of these tools.
SharkBite Deburring Tool
If you use SharkBite fittings, you should have one of these. The tool deburs the edge of the Copper, PEX, or CPVC pipe allowing the SharkBite fitting to slide on easily. The tool can also be used as a depth gauge. The number one failure point of SharkBite fittings is not sliding them on the pipe far enough. To get the correct depth, slide the...
Digital Stud Finder
I have tried a number of stud finders but this is the first one that works consistently. This device automatically calibrates to the thickness of your wall, then lets you detect wood studs, metal studs, copper pipe, and even wiring. FRANKLIN WALL SENSOR – This is another of my stud finders. The users at Amazon give it a high rating, but I have found it...
The Dewalt safety glasses are comfortable to wear and have a wrap around frame that do a great job of protecting your eyes. They best feature about these glasses is they also block out 99.9 percent of harmful UF rays. SAFETY GOGGLES – Dewalt makes a nice pair of safety goggles. They remind me of ski goggles but do a good job of keeping out...
Siding Removal Tool
If you ever want to remove vinyl siding you need this tool. I was trying to remove some vinyl siding on the house I’m renovating and was going CRAZY. I was using a screwdriver and pry bar with little success. I did a Google search for removing vinyl siding and came across this tool. It allows you to grip under the siding and pull the...
Pry Bars
This style of pry bar is my favorite. I use them almost every day. I have one I purchased from Amazon, but lately I have purchased a few from Harbor Freight. The cheaper version from Harbor Freight has held just as well as the Vaughn SuperBar. SMALL PRY BARS – I also have a set of small pry bars that work well for pulling off...
Needle Nose Pliers
Irwin makes a REALLY good pair of long nose pliers. I’ve learned that you can’t skimp on some tools and needle nose pliers are one of them. I have a dozen pair of long nose pliers in my toolbox and I always keep digging until I find these. (Dang… why don’t I through the other ones away!)
About me
Although I spent most of my life as a classroom teacher, I have always been interested in the latest tools, gadgets, and gizmos. From a young age, I roamed the aisles of my dad’s True Value Hardware store playing with the tools and gadgets. I would bring home the defective power tools, tear them apart, try to figure out how they worked, and attempt getting them working again. (I ended up buying the hardware store after my dad retired.)
On this site, I plan on sharing some of the COOLEST DIY TOOLS I can find. And… let you know what I think of them.
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Electricians Multi-function Pliers
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